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Airsoft BBs Guide

As a deeply engaged airsoft player or trainer, the types of airsoft BBs you use can be quite important. In military simulations and law enforcement training, the realism as well as the accuracy is extremely important to the success of the program. So when you start thinking about airsoft BBs, you will want to consider all the different types, weights, and specific uses of the airsoft BBs you are going to be using. So as you think about this, consider these three things: the BB diameter, type, and weight. So let us take a look at how these three things affect the operation of your airsoft guns, games and simulations.

Airsoft BB Diameter

The standard airsoft BB has a diameter of 6mm. There may also be airsoft guns that have the ability to handle 8mm airsoft BBs as well. But be careful, as the larger in diameter the airsoft BB is, the more surface area it has, and therefore wind and other physics will take a greater toll on the trajectory of the BB, causing your aim to be compromised.

In general, sticking with the standard 6mm size is going to be your best bet.

Airsoft BB Type

As aforementioned, there are a few different types of airsoft BBs. The most widespread and available type of airsoft BB is the seamless airsoft BB. This BB is made of a hard plastic, is completely spherical, and has no seams. But even though it has no seams, because it is perfectly round, it will still tend to be off target as the distance between you and the target increases.

The other major type of airsoft BB is the paintball. That’s right, you can do military and law enforcement simulations with airsoft paintballs! They usually come in the same standard 6mm size, can fire in any of the airsoft guns that will take a 6mm BB, and will do no harm to the airsoft gun.

Airsoft BB Weight

This may be the most important consideration when you are looking at airsoft BBs. The weight of the BB is using measured in grams (g), and can be anywhere from the standard .12g, up to .25g and greater. The thing to keep in mind when you are looking at airsoft BB weight is this: The heavier the airsoft BB, the truer it will fly through the air (thus being more accurate), but the range of the gun will decrease, as the heavier BB will drop sooner than lighter weight BBs.

On most of the more expensive and higher quality airsoft guns, you will want to go with at least a .2g airsoft BB. Sometimes, using a lighter weight BB in some of these higher end airsoft guns could void the warranty.