Tokyo Marui

Japanese firm Tokyo Marui is well-known for producing airsoft weapons and gear. The business was established in 1965 and has long been a pioneer in the airsoft sector. Tokyo Marui is renowned for making precise, dependable airsoft guns of the highest caliber. Tokyo Marui items are well-liked and highly regarded as some of the greatest airsoft products available among aficionados of the sport all over the world.

Tokyo Marui

Tokyo Marui Airsoft Guns:

Tokyo Marui RiflesTokyo Marui ShotgunsTokyo Marui Sniper RiflesTokyo Marui PistolsTokyo Marui Magazines

Tokyo Marui Airsoft

Tokyo Marui (TM) is a high-quality Japanese airsoft gun manufacturer and created the blueprint on which all modern AEGs (Airsoft Electric Guns) are based. Tokyo Marui was the first company to introduce airsoft guns powered solely by the electric motor with a gearbox driven spring/piston combination in the early 1990’s – TM called this the “automatic electric gun” (AEG), a name which has stuck ever since. This compact AEG system was implemented in their first electric powered automatic rifle.

Other airsoft guns were then introduced by TM following this blueprint. The 3-gear AEG design developed by TM is still in use today and has been copied numerous times through the years by nearly all other airsoft manufacturers, in fact, most airsoft guns available today were probably based on TM’s original designs.

Tokyo Marui is renowned as one of the best airsoft manufacturers in the world and constructs the highest high-quality airsoft weapons which are the envy of every other manufacturer. Generally, they are the first to market, everyone else then just has to play catch up or copy their designs. As well as their awesome range of electric rifles, other popular guns in their range include the TM VSR-10 sniper rifle, the MK23 Socom pistol and some very impressive gas and electric shotguns such as the TM Breacher and KSG.