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Tokyo Marui URGI Block 3 Carbine NGRS Review

Tokyo Marui URGI Block 3 Carbine NGRS Review Written By Phil Bucknall of Clearwater Airsoft. So the Marui magic pixies have been to Clearwater Airsoft HQ again – thanks Defcon Airsoft UK !! The new URGI block 3 carbine has arrived and it looks very nice. -It’s very light! Well built as you’d expect but […]

KWA QRF Mod1. The best PCC available?

Written By Phil Bucknall of Clearwater Airsoft. KWA QRF Mod1 Review – the best PCC available? If you haven’t noticed there has been a trend in real steel shooting for Pistol calibre carbines or PCC’s. They are kind of like a cross between a dedicated submachine gun and a short barrelled carbine for a larger […]

Marui – SR16

Marui SR-16 – Review. The M16 series is probably the most famous rifle/s in the world. The first model being adopted by armed forces in 1964, its gone from strength to strength with its constant improvements and modifications. When first used in combat during the Vietnam war, soldiers had little faith in the weapon – […]

Tokyo Marui – M14 (OD Stock)

Tokyo Marui – M14 OD Stock Review The M14 rifle was first developed in 1954 in a long line of experimental rifles designed to superceed the M1 Garrand. It was the initial idea to find a rifle that had the accuracy, robustness and stopping power of the M1 Garrand, coupled with the fully automatic capabilities […]

Tokyo Marui – M16VN

Tokyo Marui – M16 VN Review Introduction: The Colt M16 rifle was first introduced in the Vietnam War as a more compact and modern battle-effective replacement for the M14 rifle. It started out as the XM16E1; which was the prototype designation (hence the “X”). The first M16 lacked a forward assist and had a slightly […]

Marui – MP5-SD5

Tokyo Marui – MP5-SD5 Review The MP5, designed by Heckler and Koch, was first conceived in 1966, originally designated as the HK54 by the company (HK being Hecker and Koch, 5 meaning ‘submachine gun and the 4 indicating chambered for 9mm). The original design concept was for a compact, accurate and reliable sub-machine gun that […]

Marui – Glock 18C AEP

Tokyo Marui Glock 18c AEP There has been something of a revolution recently in the Airsoft pistol market, with Marui releasing a product we would have never thought possible a few years ago, the Micro AEG or AEP as they’re calling it. In essence these nifty tiny automatic weapons utilise the same firing principle as […]

Marui – MC51

Marui MC51 – Review. The Heckler and Koch MC51 is certainly a very menacing looking fire-arm. I don’t whether its the aggressive looking flash eliminator, or the very capable looking 500 rnd box magazine – but this gun gleams with features to put fear into the enemy. Its like an MP5 but meaner… A true […]

King Arms – M16 Fixed Stock (OD)

King Arms M16 Fixed Stock OD Review Some people are not keen on the M4/M16 series of AEG’s as to them, it seems that almost everyone on the skirmish field has one. While I admit this can be true, it can also be a bonus as there is a far greater range of after market […]

King Arms – Galil SAR

King Arms – Galil SAR (all pictures are clickable) The Israel Military Industries Galil, like many weapons on the battlefield today, was born out of necessity – a necessity driven by war. During the ‘Six-Days’ war of 1967, the Israeli forces noted problems with their current service weapons of the time, the FN FAL series […]