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King Arms – M16 Fixed Stock (OD)

King Arms M16 Fixed Stock OD Review

Some people are not keen on the M4/M16 series of AEG’s as to them, it seems that almost everyone on the skirmish field has one. While I admit this can be true, it can also be a bonus as there is a far greater range of after market accessories for M4/M16’s than any other AEG.

One manufacturer that really does provide a massive range of accessories is King Arms. If your looking for anything from pistol grips, stocks, battery boxes or even complete AEG’s, King Arms seem to make everything you could possibly want to pimp your AEG, and give it a more unique look.

Today’s review is of the King Arms M16 fixed stock which is suitable for Marui M4/M16 series and most M4 metal bodied AEG’s like the Classic Army M15 series.

King Arms sell the M16 fixed stock in 3 different colours, choices available are:

  • Olive Drab
  • Black and
  • Dark Earth (used by special operations forces).

The colours supplied for this review was OD.

(Please note, for some reason, all the pictures have come out a little on the ‘brown’ side – the stock does in fact look like the picture at top of this page).


The main parts of the package are the steel stock pipe which is similar in detail to the real steel stock pipe. The stock body which is made from PA66, which is the same material used on real M4 stock.


The supplied plastic battery compartment which can fit a large battery.

A 12V A2 style battery may also be fitted with no modification needed. Other custom battery’s can also be fitted, however, this would be fitted into the battery compartment before fitting the stock end. The battery would then be charged while still fitted inside the stock.

The remaining parts include the stock end which has a hinged battery cover, steel sling attachment point and usefully a set of fitting instructions.


Fitting the stock is very easy and only takes a few minutes. The instructions provided are simple enough for anyone to follow. One thing that should be noted is that if your battery fits in the front hand guard of your M4, you can not simply re-house the battery in the stock. If you are moving the battery from the front to the back you will have to rewire your gearbox so that the power leads come out of the back.

The first thing you will need to do is remove the existing stock pipe from your AEG, this should be done following the advice in you AEG manual.

Once the original stock pipe has been removed, fit the replacement one using the supplied screw. Ensure that this screw is nice and tight as this is the only fixing point on the stock.



The next step is to insert the battery compartment into the stock. If you are fitting a custom larger battery then this will need to be placed inside the compartment before you fit it into the stock.

Finally fit the stock end ensuring that the but plate adapter and sling swivel are in position.


Access The Battery

Access to the battery is very simple, a pull down catch on the battery cover allows you to open this very easily. Removal and fitting of a large battery is very simple with ample space compared to my M14 which is a tight fit.


I have to say I am definitely surprised with the quality of the stock, previously I have been turned off M4’s with a full stock as they just done feel right to me.

The Kings arms stock is very solid, and thanks to the type of material used it just feels better than the standard full stocks. Another bonus a large battery fitted it evens out the balance of the front RIS and makes my M15 feel that bit more realistic.

The only downside I could see was that you could see the seams in the plastic, however I’m sure that after a few skirmishes which will rough up the stock this would not be noticeable.

As for having something looking a little more unique, all I’m missing now is an OD vertical grip and some OD rail covers, a quick spray with Krylon will see to that and I’m sorted…